• To sustainably improve the life chances children and their families, either directly or indirectly
• To support the local authority in developing partnerships to extend beyond Fair Access Panels in order to reduce exclusions and reliance on high-cost specialist provision
• To be a collaborative partner to the local authority in providing specialist provision, which is highly effective and affordable
Ithaca provides for children and their families, providing education, health support and social care early help. It co-ordinates unique pan-disciplinary services for children, families and schools struggling to manage school anxiety.
This model is built on the premise of placing the child at the heart of a professional dialogue to identify creative solutions to negative experiences to meet the needs of children and families.
Our focus is to find an education plan that helps the child engage and overcome the fear of failure. ‘How do we make our curriculum flexible enough to meet the needs of the child?’
Our focus is to find an answer to the question: ‘How do we help the child overcome the trauma and what is it going to take to have the child re-engage in full-time education?’
Our multi disciplinary team consults with families and professional partners to ask ‘What is it going to take for this child to transition into education successfully and safely reintegrate into their local community and access education / employment opportunities?’