Odyssey House School Wokingham has been created in line with the vision and values of our first school in Highgate.
The school caters for students who have struggled with mainstream settings. The majority of our students have a diagnosis of autism and associated difficulties including emotionally based school avoidance. We provide a bespoke and holistic environment to support our students to re-integrate into full time education using a range of therapeutic approaches.
Odyssey House School, Wokingham is registered for children from age 7 – 19 years old. It benefits from being a modern air-conditioned building set in its own grounds of over 1.5 acres. The building has been designed to create a low arousal sensory environment which provides a warm and nurturing learning environment, including specialist classrooms and state of the art facilities. This allows us to provide the calm and focused environment that our students need in order to grow and learn successfully.
1. Journey, Discovery, Adventure, and Wonder
Life is a journey into the unknown, an opportunity to explore and discover. We never know what will happen next. Living in the moment with a spirit of adventure and a sense of wonder allows us the flexibility to adapt to the dynamic nature of our experience, thus allowing us the fortune of at once being learners and educators.
2.Personal Best and Challenge
Like a child learning to walk, we must constantly pick ourselves up, put our best foot forward, learn from our experience, learn from those around us, experiment, and dream. The challenge is not with those around us, it is within us. Our limitations are based only in our beliefs.
3. Unconditional Respect and Compassion
The more respect and compassion we have for others, the more humanity, health, kindness, and intelligence they are likely to share. Unconditional respect is a sincere recognition that every human being, no matter how different they are or how significant their shortcomings may seem, is doing their best given the way they see the world moment to moment.
4. Inspiration, Reflection, and Deep Listening
Each of us has the capacity to go beyond what we have learned through our past observations and experiences. To do this requires us to use an intelligence which is not bound in our memory, but instead is transcendent. Through reflection and deep listening, we have inspired ideas and insights which surpass anything we can calculate. This inspired intelligence is effortless and happens best when our minds are free and clear.
5. Fun – ‘We didn’t realise we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun’ – Winnie the Pooh
Education is serious especially when it is fun. Fun brings fulfilment and happiness and makes the journey enjoyable and memorable.
6. State of Mind
‘We cannot solve problems with the same level of intelligence with which they were created.’ – Albert Einstein
Each person’s state of mind is the most important factor affecting his/her decision-making abilities, creativity, relationships, and productivity. Creating a safe and supportive environment and process that draws out the health and innate intelligence we each possess is vital to our success.
7. Role Modelling – Be What We Wish to Create
We cannot teach what we do not know. If we wish to encourage students to develop healthy communities, we must create it for ourselves first. If we wish to develop stewards of the environment, we must practise sustainability. If we set high standards for our students, we must live by high standards.
8. Collaboration and Community
Our collective intelligence is far superior to that of any of us as individuals. We must recognize the power and impact of a unified team and facilitate the joining of heads, hands and hearts for the common good. Further, it is important to value every member of a community and create an environment and process in which they can share their perspective, play a significant role in decision making, and lead, without fear of judgment or failure.
9. Diversity
Diversity adds a richness of experiences, a variety of perspectives, and a wealth of approaches and solutions that otherwise are not available. Diversity is an essential part of all healthy human and ecological communities.
10. Ecological Sustainability
Actively cultivating a meaningful intimate relationship with the natural world around us inspires us to serve and protect this larger part of ourselves. We are part of the fabric of the Earth’s life support systems and our actions, decisions, and attitudes reflect our connection to this greater whole.
If you would like to find out more about our work or to register interest, please contact us:
T: 0118 229 3000
E: info@odysseyeducation.org.uk
A: Odyssey House School Wokingham
Buckhurst Court
London Road
RG40 1PA
Ceo & Co-Founder: Charu Kashyap
Headteacher: Nick Hall
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Vicky White
Proprietor: Odyssey Education Services
Address: Venture House, Arlington Square, Downshire Way, Bracknell, RG12 1WA
T: 0118 229 3000 ext 08
E: info@odysseyeducation.org.uk
For admission enquiries please contact us via: admissions@odysseyeducation.org.uk