
Your Nostos boarding pass and itinerary

Each child aboard the Nostos programme benefits from a period of comprehensive assessment and intervention (up to six weeks initially) that translates into a comprehensive, goal orientated support plan design to reintroduce children into learning.


Assessment takes the form of a functional situational analysis that carefully identify barriers, antecedent factors, ecological considerations, Neurodiverse factors as well as topographical profiles of behaviours and routines and their episodic features.

The team undertakes a Heat mapping exercise that looks at barriers and solutions as a pre-cursor to systematically planned and monitored blended cognitive behavioural and solution focused coaching.

Intervention Plan

From this, an Individual Intervention Plan is formed that has clear measurable steps and goals which focus on the positive re-framing of the school avoidance dialogue; strategies to secure learning, social and emotional goals and strategies to frame positive self-regulation responses.

The Nostos programme will focus the young person on achieving their EHCP and/or other goals, promoting resilience, independence and a smooth transition back into learning. enable

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