
In the academic year 2022-2023 the pupils achieved the following:

  • An increasing number of pupils started to re-engage more positively with school and learning.
  • An increasing number of pupils were able to be taken off-site for school visits as behaviour and attitudes towards expectations and boundaries are now more easily adhered to.
  • The school had two pupils achieve their Level 2 BTEC qualification in Home Cooking Skills with


  • There has been increased confidence and development in pupils sharing their successes and concerns with trusted adults.

·       There has been increased engagement with the schools psychotherapist to support emotional well being of pupils.

        This has increased learning confidence.

  • Four students were entered for GCSE results covering: English Language, English Literature, Maths, Foundation and Higher tier, Science Foundation & Higher tier, and History.
  • Odyssey House School won the ISA Coronation competition (Summer 2023) for Key Stage 4.


  • Currently (in June 2023)  there have been no pupil leavers.
  • At the end of this academic year there will be a small number of pupil leavers: some of these are transferring to other schools and/or colleges, going into apprenticeships or have undecided educational/career pathways because of their emotional regulation.
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